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Bettina.Klaus [at ]unil.ch
+41 (0)21 692 34 75
Faculty of Business and Economics
University of Lausanne
Internef 538
CH-1015 Lausanne
Current Position:
Since 2009, I am a Full Professor at the Department of Economics, Faculty of Business and Economics (HEC), University of Lausanne, Switzerland.
Research Interests:
Game Theory, Market Design, Social Choice Theory.
I am currently working on fair allocation and matching problems, in particular on:
fair division,
house allocation and assignment models,
two-sided matching and student placement, and
one-sided matching (roommate markets), coalition and network formation.
For more information on some of my ongoing research check Working Papers (in fact, it looks like I should write some new papers).
I'm a member of he MATCH-UP (matching under preferences) steering committee. Have a look at our website for more information on MATCH-UP workshops: webpage.
I am still interested in hiring new PhD students, have a look at our Department’s Phd advertisement for the past academic year here.
Scientific events closely related to matching, market design, game theory, and social choice:
3rd Amsterdam/Saint-Etienne Workshop on Social Choice, Amsterdan, NL: April 3 - 4, 2025.
Matching in Practice Workshop 2025, University of Messina, Italy: May 15 - 16, 2025.
14th Lisbon Meetings on Game Theory and Applications, Lisbon, Portugal: June 18-20, 2025.
14th Conference on Economic Design, University of Essex, UK: June 23–25, 2025.
GAIMSS’25 (Games and Artificial Intelligence Multidisciplinary Summer School 2025), Université Toulouse Capitole, France: June 23-27, 2025. Ph.D. students and Postdocs specializing in game theory with backgrounds in economics, mathematics, or computer science are now invited to apply to the Games and AI Multidisciplinary Summer School.
24th Annual SAET Conference, Ischia, Italy: June 29–July 5, 2025.
Seminars and events of the UNIL Department of Economics can be found here seminar-website.
Last website update: March 25th, 2025.