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Current Position:
Since 2009, I am a Full Professor at the Department of Economics, Faculty of Business and Economics (HEC), University of Lausanne, Switzerland.
Research Interests:
Game Theory, Market Design, Social Choice Theory.
I am currently working on fair allocation and matching problems, in particular on:
fair division,
house allocation and assignment models,
two-sided matching and student placement, and
one-sided matching (roommate markets), coalition and network formation.
For more information on some of my ongoing research check Working Papers (in fact, it looks like I should write some new papers).
I'm a member of he MATCH-UP (matching under preferences) steering committee. Have a look at our website for more information on MATCH-UP workshops: webpage.
I am currently interested in hiring new PhD students, have a look at our Department’s Phd advertisement for the next academic year here.
Scientific events closely related to matching, market design, game theory, and social choice:
14th Conference on Economic Design, University of Essex, UK: June 23–25, 2025.
Seminars and events of the UNIL Department of Economics can be found here seminar-website.
Last website update: January 10th, 2025.